As he falls, he shouts "As you wish", revealing that he is in fact Westley himself, who has taken over the title of Dread Pirate Roberts for himself. She replies that she died the day that Westley died and that the man in black can die too, for all she cares she then pushes him down a hill. The man in black scolds Buttercup for marrying the prince and not being loyal to Westley. Buttercup is at first suspicious of the man in black and dislikes him, but she reveals to him that she was in love with a poor farm boy named Westley. Finally he faces Fezzini in a battle of wits and kills him with poison, taking Buttercup for himself. The man in black then defeats Fezzik, the giant, in battle, also rendering him unconscious. While they befriend each other, the man in black defeats Inigo in a swordfight and renders him unconscious. The man in black first duels Inigo for the princess, and finds out that Inigo is a swordsman whose goal in life is to defeat the six fingered man who killed his father and scarred his face. The thieves are pursued by a man in black on a pirate ship, assumed to be the Dread Pirate Roberts. They try to kidnap her to trick Humperdink, of the country Florin, into starting a war with his rival country.

She is soon kidnapped by three thieves Vizzini, Inigo and Fezzik.

Although she does not love him, she agrees. Buttercup is then picked by the prince, Prince Humperdink, to be his bride. Westley goes off to sea and presumably dies at the hands of the Dread Pirate Roberts. Buttercup would always order Westley around to which he would reply, "as you wish", which she soon realizes means "I love you".
This movie starts with a farm girl named Buttercup falling in love with another farm boy named Westley.